- (Hopefully) coming soon on this screen: Cross-sex analysis of additive genetic variance for fitness; Evolution in population matrix models (in a way that actually works); When evolution hurts populations; Something-something about albatross beak size
Bonnet, T (2024) Joining forces to push past paradoxes: Combining quantitative genetics and genomics shows evolution hiding in plain sight. Proceedings of the National Accademy of Sciences In Press.
Taylor, CJ, Bonnet, T, Taylor CJ, Langmore, NE (2024). Perch proximity does not predict the probability of cuckoo parasitism in a woodland host. Animal Behaviour In Press.
Cuchot, P, Bonnet, T, Dehorter, O, Henry, P-Y, Teplitsky, C. (2024) How interacting anthropogenic pressures alter the plasticity of breeding time in two common songbirds. Journal of Animal Ecology. 93(7):918-931
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Ghislain, M1, Bonnet, T1, Godeau, U, Dehorter, 0, Gimenez, O, Henry, P-Y. (2024) Synchrony in adult survival is remarkably strong among common temperate songbirds across France. Ecology. 105(6):e4305 (1shared first authorship)
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Subasinghe, K, Symonds, MRE, Prober, SM, Bonnet, T, Williams, KJ, Ware, C, Gardner, JL. (2024) Spatial variation in avian bill size is associated with temperature extremes in a major radiation of Australian passerines. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 291
Gould, E, Fraser, HS, Parker, TH, Nakagawa, S, et al. Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. EcoEvoRxiv.
Menário Costa, W, Kind, WJ, Bonnet, T, Festa-Bianchet, M, Kruuk, LEB (2023). Early-life behavior, survival, and maternal personality in a wild marsupial. Behavioral Ecology 34(6)
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Latimer, A, Sherratt, E, Bonnet, T, Scheyer, TM (2023) Semicircular canal shape diversity among modern lepidosaurs – Life habit, size, allometry. BMC Ecology and Evolution 23(10)
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Shokirov, S, Jucker, T, Levick, SR, Manning, AD, Bonnet, T, Yebra, M,Youngentob, KN (2023) Habitat highs and lows: Using terrestrial and UAV LiDAR for modelling avian species richness and abundance in a restored woodland. Remote Sensing of Environment 285
Gardner, JL, Clayton, M, Allen, R, Stein, J, Bonnet, T (2022) The effects of temperature extremes on survival in two semi‐arid Australian bird communities over three decades, with predictions to 2104. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31(12):2498-2509.
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Crates, R, Watson, DM, Albery, GF, Bonnet, T, Murphy, L, Rayner, L, Stojanovic, D, Timewell, C, Meney, B, Roderick, M, Ingwersen, D & Heinsohn, R. (2022) Mistletoes could moderate drought impacts on birds, but are themselves susceptible to drought-induced dieback. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289:20220358.
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Bonnet, T, Morrissey, MB, de Villemereuil, P, Alberts, SC, Arcese, P, Bailey, LD, Boutin, S, Brekke, P, Brent, LJN, Camenisch, G, Charmantier, A, Clutton-Brock, TH, Cockburn, A, Coltman, DW, Courtiol, A, Davidian, E, Evans, SR, Ewen, JG, Festa-Bianchet, M, de Franceschi, C, Gustafsson, L, Höner, OP, Houslay, TM, Keller, LF, Manser, M, McAdam, MG, McLean, E, Nietlisbach, P, Osmond, HL, Pemberton, JM, Postma, E, Reid, JM, Rutschmann, A, Santure, AW, Sheldon, BC, Slate, J, Teplitsky, C, Visser, ME, Wachter, B & LEB Kruuk. (2022) Genetic variance in fitness indicates rapid contemporary adaptive evolution in wild animals. Science 376(6596): 1012-1016.
Free-access referral link: -
Aich, U, Bonnet, T, Head, ML & Jennions, MD (2021). Effect of male age and past mating effort on pre-copulatory male-mating behaviour and paternity success. Evolution early view,
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Subasinghe, K, Symonds, MRE, Vidal-García, M, Bonnet, T, Prober, SM, Williams, KJ & Gardner JL (2021). Repeatability and Validity of Phenotypic Trait Measurements in Birds. Evolutionary Biology
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Cooper, E, Bonnet, T, Osmond, H, Cockburn, A & Kruuk, L (2020). Ageing and senescence across reproductive traits and survival in superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus). The American Naturalist 197(1): 111-127,
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Cooper, E, Bonnet, T, Cockburn, A & Kruuk, L (2020). Do the ages of parents or helpers affect offspring fitness in a cooperatively breeding bird? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33(12): 1735-1748.
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Aich, U, Bonnet, T, Fox, R & Jennions, MD (2020). An experimental test to separate the effects of male age and mating history on female mate choice. Behavioural Ecology araa092,
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Hagmayer, A, Camenisch, G, Canale, C, Postma, E & Bonnet, T (2020). Limited mass-independent individual variation in resting metabolic rate in a wild population of snow voles (Chionomys nivalis). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32(5): 608-618.
Bonnet, T, Morrissey, M, Morris, A, Morris, S, Clutton-Brock, T, Pemberton, J & Kruuk, L (2019). The role of selection and evolution in changing parturition date in a red deer population. PLoS Biology 17(11): e3000493.
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Bonnet, T, Morrissey, M & Kruuk, L (2019). Estimation of genetic variance in fitness, and inference of adaptation, when fitness follows a log-normal distribution. Journal of Heredity 110(4): 383-395. doi:10.1093/jhered/esz018
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Morrissey, M & Bonnet, T (2019). Analogues of the fundamental and secondary theorems of selection, assuming a log-normal distribution of expected fitness. Journal of Heredity 110(4): 396-402. doi:10.1093/jhered/esz020
Ponzi, E, Keller, L, Bonnet, T & Muff, S (2018). Heritability, selection, and the response to selection in the presence of phenotypic measurement error: effects, cures, and the role of repeated measurements. Evolution 72(10): 1992-2004. doi:10.1111/evo.13573
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Bonnet, T & Postma, E (2018). Fluctuating selection and its (elusive) evolutionary consequences in a wild rodent population. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31(4): 572-586. doi:10.1111/jeb.13246
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Bonnet, T, Leblois, R, Rousset, F & Crochet, PA (2017). A reassessment of explanations for discordant introgressions of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Evolution 71(9): 2140-2158. doi:10.1111/evo.13296.
- - - Top 20 most read article - -
Bonnet, T, Wandeler, P, Camenisch, G & Postma, E (2017). Bigger is fitter? Quantitative genetic decomposition of selection reveals an adaptive evolutionary decline of body mass in a wild rodent population. PLoS Biology 15(1): e1002592. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002592.
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van Benthem, KJ1, Bruijning, M1, Bonnet, T1, Jongejans, E2, Postma, E2 & Ozgul, A2 (2017). Disentangling evolutionary, plastic and demographic processes underlying trait dynamics: A review of four frameworks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 75–85. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12627. (1shared first authorship; 2shared last authorship)
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Bonnet, T & Postma, E (2016). Successful by chance? The power of mixed models and neutral simulations for the detection of individual fixed heterogeneity in fitness components. The American Naturalist 187(1): 60-74. doi:10.1086/684158.
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García-Navas, V, Bonnet, T, Waldvogel, D, Camenisch, G & Postma, E (2016). Consequences of female philopatry for reproductive success and mate choice in an Alpine rodent. Behavioral Ecology 27: 1158-1166. doi:
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García-Navas, V, Bonnet, T, Bonal, R & Postma, E (2016). The role of fecundity and sexual selection in the evolution of size and sexual size dimorphism in New World and Old World voles (Rodentia: Arvicolinae). Oikos 125: 1250-1260. doi:10.1111/oik.03026.
- García-Navas, V, Bonnet, T, Waldvogel, D, Wandeler, P, Camenisch, G & Postma, E (2015). Gene
flow counteracts the effect of drift in a Swiss population of snow voles fluctuating in size. Biological Conservation 191: 168–177. doi:
Pre-PhD studies
Bonnet, T, Crespin, L, Pinot, A, Bruneteau, L, Bretagnolle, V & Gauffre, B (2013). How the common vole copes with modern farming: Insights from a capture-mark-recapture experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 177: 21–27. doi:
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Elgvin, TO, Hermansen, JS, Fijarczyk, A, Bonnet, T, Borge, T, Sæther, Sa, Voje, KL & Sætre, GP (2011). Hybrid speciation in sparrows II: a role for sex chromosomes? Molecular Ecology 20: 3823–3837. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05182.x.
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Bonnet, T, Slagsvold, PK & Sætre, GP (2011). Genetic species identification of a Collared Pied Flycatcher from Norway. Journal of Ornithology 152: 1069–1073. doi:10.1007/s10336-011-0703-4.
Non peer-review publications
- Bonnet, T, Ghislain, M, Henry, PY. Studying Interspecific Synchrony in Bird Survival Using Constant Effort Sites Mist-Netting Scheme. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. doi:10.1002/bes2.2155.
Published data
Bonnet, T & Postma, E (2018). Data from: Fluctuating selection and its (elusive) evolutionary consequences in a wild rodent population. Dryad Digital Repository.
Bonnet, T, Wandeler, P, Camenisch, G & Postma, E (2017). Data from: Bigger is fitter? Quantitative genetic decomposition of selection reveals an adaptive evolutionary decline of body mass in a wild rodent population. PLoS Biology 15(1): e1002592.
Bonnet, T, Leblois, R, Rousset, F & Crochet, PA (2017). Data from: A reassessment of explanations for discordant introgressions of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Dryad Digital Repository.
Bonnet, T & Postma, E (2016). Data from: Successful by chance? the power of mixed models and neutral simulations for the detection of individual fixed heterogeneity in fitness components. Dryad Digital Repository.