Timothée Bonnet bio photo

Timothée Bonnet

Evolutionary biologist/ecologist

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I gave a little talk on using open-source / free software / freeware at the “Ecology and Evolution Tea time (TE&E)”. I am really not an expert on the topic, but basically I wanted to show that :

  • Ubuntu (Linux) is now super user friendly
  • Open-source software has major advantages for science
  • You can do most stuff with open-source / free software in everyday life
  • I really like Xaringan to make slides in R-Markdown

Here are my slides: and here is the code:

And here is the advertisment for the talk written with Putter Tiatragul :

Entry: At lunch one arvo of a drab winter day…

Putter: Tim… why do you only use Linux? Isn’t it complicated…and boring?

Tim: Yes and no. With Ubuntu* Linux got really easy. You can use the OS just like Windows or Mac except it doesn’t crash and you can customise the computer…

Putter: But how about the flashy software that I use like Photoshop and Office? Don’t you miss them?

Tim: Well, there are good free open-source software that do the same things now, and they’re continuously getting better… I have not missed anything for years.

Putter: Sounds like you want to tell everyone about freeware and open-science at TE&E?

Tim: Uh, not rea…

Putter: Beauty! I’ll sign you up for 2pm in the Evolution Meeting Room on Wednesday the 30th of June!

Exit: The lunch conversation drifts back to fascination about obscure wildlife (e.g. little brown birds), how cold it is, prayers for no rain/border closures, themed party ideas, and the best place to fix broken laptops/bikes…